it astounds me how untested these features are
Putrid Units can now be converted to Assimilated Flesh, just in case Assimilateds stop being accessible.
- This is of course nigh pointless for regular players since they can't obtain Putrid Units anyway, as intended.
New Item: Dirty Needle, a dubious syringe filled with an unknown chemical.
- Hitting an entity with it will break the needle, and afflict them with Embolism for 30 seconds.
- Embolism causes COTH to work at quindectuple (15x) the speed
- If the COTH Rework is enabled, it will slowly damage entities to the threshold
- One can configure both the speed and the effects the needle gives.
Masticator Clouds can no longer infest blocks if they are on fire.
Most tools now have configurable durability. The Living Pick-axe and Living Scalpel also now have their own durability entries, rather than referring to SRP's value.
- This includes the Masticator, which defaults to 0 to make it unbreakable.
- The Living tools' config options default to whatever the Living durability is set to in SRP's main config file.
The Well Sealer no longer has a placeholder texture, or telekinetic powers
- I.E. It should check distance now.
The Well Divining Rod now properly mentions which dimension the Well is in.
- Additionally, its distance calculation for whether Well Sealers can be used has been fixed.
Wells draining points now has a sound cue and message.
Well sounds should now play properly. ONE EXCLAMATION POINT
Colony recording damage types should now work if a player is degenerating.
Rendering factory bound parasites can now be toggled.
- Additionally, the Primitive Tozoon, Host, and Herd are no longer rendered this way.
Config Changes
Client - Render Factory Parasite - Whether the parasite bound to a factory is shown onscreen.
Item Settings - X Durability - X is the tool in question. There are entries for both Living tools, the Masticator, and the Well Divining Rod
- The Well Divining Rod's default durability is now 200, from 100.
Item Settings - Dirty Needle Effects - The effects applied by the Dirty Needle. The format is similar to that of the Primitive Bolster's ally effects.
Effects - Embolism - New category
- Embolism Enabled - Whether the effect is registered
- COTH Speed Multiplier - The multiplier on the speed of the COTH effect while Embolism is active.
Fixed Armageddon being disabled by default due to ineptitude.
- This is just to make sure Wells are properly active, none of the other armageddon mechanics are enabled.
JEI now mentions how to obtain The Masticator
Internal change to capabilities, should no longer put a null nbt value if the capability doesn't exist (why did I do that)
Config Changes
- Armageddon - Enabled - now Enabled by default.
- Colony Integration
- Damage Cap (If you're a cheater)
- Subtle Enchanted Factory visual
- Minor UI stuff
Fixed the "Missing Colony" text overlapping in the overlay.
There are now config settings to enable Damage Caps for parasite players, DISABLED BY DEFAULT.
Parasite Players will now receive bonuses from Colonies.
- The bonus refers to the highest tier colony you have received the effects of.
- The effects persist until you die.
Parasite Players can now send their most common damage type to Colonies if they can adapt to damage, provided it is enabled in the config.
Parasite players can now request the most common damage type from colonies. This can be disabled in the configs, and is done through the Malleability Menu, by default accessed with X.
Fixed possibly adapting to Void damage.
Enchanted Factories now have a slight dynamic tint when placed in the world.
Config Changes:
Apply Colony Effects - self explanatory.
Notify Colonies on Death - Whether parasite players can send their most common damage type to nearby Colonies on death.
Bloom - Damage Cap Enabled, Damage Cap Bloom Requirement, Damage Cap per Bloom - Damage cap related settings, mimic Minimum Damage and Exhaustion.
Bloom - Colony Common Damage Type - Whether parasite players can request the most common damage type from colonies.
rip and tear
- Now incompatible with Phosphor and BetterPortals.
- Both of these mods use ancient mixins that conflict with Mixinbooter.
- To clarify, the issue is with the Forge version of Phosphor, since it is no longer supported. There are other lighting mods for 1.12.2, though.
- Both of these mods use ancient mixins that conflict with Mixinbooter.
- Now incompatible with Phosphor and BetterPortals.
- UI is less confusing
- Wells will appear every 10 days, make a Well Divining Rod and 10 or so Well Sealers to find and destroy them, respectively.
- Wells are not visible, the only way you'll know it's there is with the Well Divining Rod, or the Well Sealer if close enough.
- The Masticator, make the fields beautiful!
- Item-related config restructuring. Redo your configs!
- Minor balancing changes
- Latch Fixes
- Threat Fixes and Changes
- Compat fixes
- No more Natural Regen
- RPL got ax'd
- Friendly Orbs are friendly
- Marauder and Adapted Bolster special attack Rage
Most brew effects have had their biomass costs reduced.
The mod has transitioned back to depending on Mixinbooter.
- You can visit the SRP Discord if you want more context regarding this change, and why I originally switched off.
- I have since resolved most of the issues regarding using mixinbooter (It was not a fun experience, hence why I switched off originally), but for now Phosphor and BetterPortals are incompatible again.
The Mangler has had its biomass cost reduced, and creation time increased.
Minimum bloom requirement for making Gloom Torches reduced to 0.
Modified messages and overlay to make mechanics more obvious.
- Things like getting factory drops or the amount of biomass needed for them are now told to the player somehow.
- Factory trades also mention the amount of biomass needed, if applicable.
Deploying a Latch now has a half-second cooldown
Relogging should no longer create floating unbound Latches.
The Threat looks different now.
Armageddon is enabled by default, but only Wells are active. The rest of the mechanics are still disabled by default.
Fixed Ante failing to increase if the world was closed before the milestone.
Fixed likely Armageddon Timer desync whenever players sleep.
- Originally, whenever you slept, it would subtract a full night's worth of ticks, even if you didn't sleep at exactly the start of nighttime.
- This means you'd have much less time than you expected.
Also, changed the amount of Nighttime ticks since those were technically incorrect too, they were supposed to be 11000.
- You can only actually sleep once the time reaches 13000, not 12000.
Fixed Gene Desplicer & Cytokine Mutator from HA failing to work at all.
The Masticator, a tool that spews toxic, infectious miasmic clouds, has been added. It behaves much like a Flamethrower.
- The clouds deal Minimum Damage to entities inside, as well as applying COTH and stacking Corrosion & Poison.
- It can only infest blocks after Phase 4. It also generates fewer points than if a Beckon infested them, but only by a factor of 5.
- Can be created by giving a Stage I Beckon Moldered Segments, which can be obtained by trading a Living Core to a Factory.
- The Fetid "Canisters" which serve as its fuel can be created using Beckon Membranes and various parasite parts.
Wells are now in the mod.
Every 10 days, a Well will manifest in a randomly chosen dimension. By default, they can appear anywhere within a 10,000 block radius of 0, 0.
- Wells are completely invisible to all forms of detection, only a Well Divining Rod can indicate their location, and even then, poorly.
- Dimensions can be blacklisted to prevent wells from spawning in them.
- Each active well will drain Evolution Points in all dimensions each day (or whatever interval is set in the config).
- They also boost Ante gained every 10 days.
New Item: Well Divining Rod
- Emits a spark in the direction of the nearest Well, if applicable.
- It will instead tell you the dimension its in if it is in a different dimension.
New Block: Well Sealer
- Damages a nearby Well for 10 damage. Wells have 100 health by default. These can be configured.
- It works a lot like a Lure block, minus the Carcass functionality.
The Stored Parasite overlay now has an indicator for the key presses needed to store a parasite. (Usually SHIFT+R, or R plus whatever key you use to sneak)
- The indicator only shows if you can store a parasite, or release it.
Modified Factory tooltip, replacing Mouse2 with Right Click to reduce ambiguity.
- Each line also has a starting dash to reduce clutter.
New item: Putrid Unit
- Use a factory to get drops from a Feral Parasite to obtain this item
- Used to make the Dendritus instead of the Noxious Brain, so it is easier to obtain.
- It's intended that parasite players use a Vermin or Gnat factory to get this item, but if 60 kills works for you go off I guess.
- Gating it behind Pures makes catching up with the parasites somewhat difficult, especially if a Beckon is active.
Lowered the Phase 3 Burning event point loss to 400, from 3000.
Parasites no longer receive Natural Regeneration.
Random Point Loss is now disabled by default.
Effects applied via orbs from other parasites are now applied if the effect is meant to be given to other parasites.
- So Adapted Summoners will give you Speed if you are in the orb range, etc.
The Special Attacks of the Marauder and Adapted Bolster should not affect parasite players anymore.
- Additionally, they should now give Rage to nearby parasite players when the attack concludes.
Parasite Players will receive Rage whenever the Evolution Phase is reduced.
Binding Factories to Dispatchers is now possible again.
Config Changes
Settings for the Trustworthy Note and Phase Boosters have been moved to the "Item Settings" category.
- Brews have not been affected by this change.
Item Settings - Masticator Block Value - The amount of points gained when The Masticator infests a block. Defaults to 10
Item Settings - Masticator Minimum Phase - The minimum Evolution Phase needed for the Masticator to infest blocks. Defaults to 4
Factory Behavior - Item Trades - added "srparasites:living_core;srpcotesia:moldered_segments;3"
Random Point Loss - Enabled - Now disabled by default.
Random Point Loss - Phase 3 Point Loss - Reduced to 400, from 3000
Armageddon - Nighttime Ticks - 11000, from 13000.
New Category: Well
Hunger Rework - Natural Regeneration - Defaults to false.
Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - Reduced biomass cost of srparasites:mangler to 15, and increased creation time by 3 seconds (60 ticks)
Factory Behavior - Item Trades - reduced srpcotesia:gloomtorch bloom requirement to 0, from 2.
Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - added srpcotesia:putrid_unit to each feral parasite.
Brews - Recipes - Brew Effect Recipes - Reduced most biomass costs. "srparasites:lurecomponent1;turn;5", "srparasites:lurecomponent2;harm;5", "minecraft:fermented_spider_eye;poisonBane;3", "minecraft:nether_star;witherBane;3", "minecraft:gunpowder;explosion;10"
Brews - Recipes - Brew Potion Recipes - Reduced most biomass costs "minecraft:skull#1;minecraft:wither;-1;2;false", "srparasites:lurecomponent5;srpcotesia:scrying;4;5;false", "srparasites:ada_reeker_drop;srparasites:viral;-1;10;false", "srparasites:ada_yelloweye_drop;srparasites:corrosive;-1;1;false", "srparasites:ada_summoner_drop;srparasites:rage;1;2;true", "srparasites:ada_bolster_drop;srpcotesia:recuperation;-1;5;true", "minecraft:sugar;minecraft:speed;1;5;true", "srparasites:ada_manducater_drop;minecraft:invisibility;1;20;true"
The air is burning around you...
- Essential Compatibility
- Latch changes, UI changes
- Threat stuff
- Trustworthy Note changes
- Reinforcement System compatibility
- Glowy bits
- More Config options
If i get no feedback i will die
You should redo your configs for this update. Quite a bit has changed.
MixinExtras is now shadowed again. The version has not changed, however.
- In order to gain compatibility with the Essential mod, this mod will shadow mixinextras to where that mod shadows its own mixinextras.
- Just in case you see essential mentioned in a crash report without it being installed.
The Latch should no longer ignore its Attack cooldown (silly)
Buglins will no longer lunge at enemies when parasite players attack or are attacked.
- They haven't forgotten what you did to their targetting, Dhan.
If Hermit's Arsenal is installed, Parasite Players will drop Incinerated Flesh and Fragmented Genomes whenever possible.
- This requires a living entity to be responsible for the death.
- Still on the fence for if parasite players will drop items more regularly. More at 11.
Latches should now properly die whenever their owner dies.
The UI has been modified a bit
- Points contributed now has its own progress bar. This also shows the next Corpse Bloom level's requirement, if applicable.
- The Latch now has a UI indicator, and a message when you unlock it.
- The UI element also shows the Keybind needed to use it, and whether it was deployed.
- The Hiding UI no longer shows if the player in question cannot hide, due to insufficient Corpse Bloom.
- This also shows its keybind now.
The messages for the note now allude to why it failed to be used.
- "It won't budge. It seems weaker in this dimension." - The dimension you are in won't work. Try the overworld instead.
- The dimension stipulation only exists if the nighttime stipulation is active.
- "It won't budge. Maybe try again when its darker out?" - It needs to be daytime.
- "It won't budge. Perhaps the moon phase is wrong." - Wrong moon phase. I would've went with something more cryptic but people actually need to know what they need to do.
- "It won't budge" - This is now unused (far too vague)
- "They have advanced too far for this to matter." - The current Evolution Phase is too high.
- "It won't budge. It seems weaker in this dimension." - The dimension you are in won't work. Try the overworld instead.
Fixed a bug where parasite players would have worn skulls fail to rotate properly.
- Might also fix other head-related issues, who knows
Phase -2 now has its own sound. I suggest you set up a new world as a parasite, run /atimer set 60, and then watch the fireworks, so I can get feedback.
- Don't get your hopes up, I'm no sound designer.
- There is also a minor visual effect, which can be toggled in the configs.
- For non-parasites, the sound is C418's "Alpha", or the music for the end poem.
Corpse Bloom tier requirements are now configurable.
- They default to the Evolution Phase Point Milestones, but each one can be modified if you wish.
- Theoretically, you should be able to just regenerate your config if SRP changes their Phase Requirements, and the config should update as normal.
- The requirement for the current Evolution Phase to be high enough can also be disabled now.
Parasite Players can now deal Minimum Damage on fully charged attacks, using the Slicer (The scythe tentacle in your head)
- This will also apply Exhaustion, provided Minimum Damage occurs. It also has a sound cue!
- Both of these are diminished when you use them too rapidly. There is a "delay" of 10 ticks wherein your damage and exhaustion will be interpolated (reduced). The more often you hit, the less you'll deal.
Parasite player Scent death value is now 10.
Points subtracted on death will now be subtracted from points contributed as well.
- Debar can prevent points from being subtracted at all, as per standard practice.
- This can be configured. If you only want the World to lose the points, that can be done (freeloader).
Parasite players will spawn Beckons on death provided the Reinforcement System is enabled.
- This only occurs if an entity was responsible.
- This stipulation extends to spawned Scents as well.
- This can also be disabled, as well as spawning scents.
Parasite players mimic fire-based Rage behavior now. Getting hit with fire damage has a 1 in 5 chance to give the Rage effect.
The Grep should no longer fall into the bowels of the earth, never to return... (They still aren't finished)
Armageddon now prevents the biome from assimilating blocks, provided a node doesn't exist.
- A node would only be able to exist post armageddon via commands since every node is killed when it occurs, so I'm not touching that.
- To clarify, Colonies and Nodes will have their structures stay, but the inner heart will stop beating, so to speak. More of a Carcass than a structure.
Armageddon now scales mobs as time progresses. It does this through a new value, Ante.
- Ante will increase every 10 days, scaling Defense, Hyper Armor, and Bane for Enhanced Mobs. All three only apply to combat with parasites.
- Defense is effectively extra health.
- Hyper Armor turns damage below its value into healing.
- This cannot heal above half the mob's maximum health (including defense).
- Bane is extra damage dealt to Parasites.
- Enhanced mobs will also gain the Speed effect with varying amplifier (it changes every second, most of the time) when targetting a parasite.
- Ante also increases the chance that RPL occurs, as well as its severity.
- A mob has a chance to become Enhanced when it spawns, and the chance increases the closer the Threat is.
- When I do add a way to decrease Ante, there will be a minimum value it cannot go below. This creeps upward by 1 whenever its difference from ante exceeds 5 (configurable).
- There's also a new command, /ante, which behaves much like /atimer.
- Enhanced Mobs will remove 2 points for all adaptations on any parasites they attack. You are included in this.
- There are custom hit colors and sounds for Defense and Hyper Armor proccing. Bane also has a sound when it is used. All sounds have pitch modifications of some kind.
- An entity will flash blue if it is using its defense. This will play an Iron Golem hurt sound.
- An entity will flash yellow if it blocks an attack with Hyper Armor. This will play an attack failure sound.
- Ante will increase every 10 days, scaling Defense, Hyper Armor, and Bane for Enhanced Mobs. All three only apply to combat with parasites.
Parasites will burn in sunlight once Ante exceeds 7. This can be configured, and doesn't occur if you are invulnerable.
Again, to reiterate, the Threat is still disabled by default. This is all a HEAVY work in progress.
- Enhanced Mobs are still not at the level I aspire them to be at the moment, so if you do play with them enabled expect hiccups (don't be afraid to tell me about them, too!)
For parity with recent Beckon changes, the parasite player model and Factory model will both have glowing parts where necessary.
Config Changes, an inexhaustive list
Client - Armageddon Visual Artifacts - Whether Armageddon causes certain visual artifacts when it occurs.
Bloom - Point Milestones - The amount of points needed for each Corpse Bloom tier.
Random Point Loss - Burning Chance - Decreased to 0.3, from 0.4
Armageddon - Maximum and Ante stepping values for each auxillary mechanic for Enhanced mobs, as well as for RPL and the COTH rework.
Armageddon - Ante Ticks - Time it takes for Ante to increase by 1, in ticks.
- Ante can be fixed by setting this to 0.
Armageddon - Enhancement Chance - Base chance for a mob to be Enhanced. Ante-sourced chance increases are stacked on top of this.
Armageddon - Armageddon Enabled - description updated.
Armageddon - Timer Enabled - Whether the armageddon timer is enabled.
Armageddon - Ante Enabled - Whether Ante is enabled.
Armageddon - Mob Enhancement Enabled - Whether mobs can be Enhanced. Existing enhanced mobs will behave like normal mobs if this is disabled.
Armageddon - Maximum Ante - The maximum value Ante can reach.
Armageddon - Starting Ante - When a world is created, Ante will be set to this.
Armageddon - Enhancement Fixed - Whether the timer has no effect on the Enhancement Chance.
Armageddon - Enhancement Blacklist - Mobs which cannot be enhanced. A whitelist check is also provided.
Armageddon - Ante to Burn in Sunlight - If ante exceeds this value, parasites will begin to burn in direct sunlight.
Spawn Beckon on Death & Spawn Scent on Death - both are self-explanatory, toggle the mechanics mentioned.
Bloom - Bloom Phase Value -> Bloom Phase Conversion
Bloom - Require Evolution Phase for Upgrade
Bloom - Minimum Damage Enabled, Minimum Damage Bloom Requirement - Enables and adds a tier requirement for Minimum Damage
Bloom - Minimum Damage per Bloom - Minimum damage value for each bloom value.
Bloom - Exhaustion Enabled, Exhaustion Bloom Requirement - Enables and adds a tier requirement for Exhaustion.
Bloom - Minimum Damage per Bloom - Minimum damage value for each bloom value.
Bloom - Lose Contributions on Death - Whether points lost on death are also subtracted from Points Contributed
The i hate making entities update
Burnout happens when you're overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life's incessant demands. The condition isn't medically diagnosed. But burnout can affect your physical and mental health if you don't acknowledge or treat it.
Tiered Factory trades failing will mention the needed tier if you aren't up to snuff.
MixinExtras is now shadowed, and updated to 0.3.5
- This should reduce version issues with other mods using mixinextras
More progress has been made on the THREAT behind the scenes. It's not finished
- The Grep, a sentinel that fuses with mobs to fight parasites, has not been even remotely finished, hence being disabled by default
- This mod will likely only add like 2 real enemy entities, and I'm hoping to make those two as potent as possible.
- This is going back on my previous yapping about "no entities" because I remembered that the old Mcreator addon had an entity I really liked, actually. If you heard a door slam open while playing that, you'll know what I'm talking about.
- That old bucket of bad code was posted in the discord at some point idk
- If you're a fan of silly unfinished entities, here you go
- The Grep, a sentinel that fuses with mobs to fight parasites, has not been even remotely finished, hence being disabled by default
The Trustworthy Note transformation is now a little different.
- Upon death, you are forced to spectate the Assimilated Adventurer. That way nobody gets stuck in spectator anymore.
- At any point, if you unspectate them, you will die instantly and respawn in whatever gamemode you were in before you used the note, as if you died normally.
- This also allows you to receive another note, allowing you to try again.
- You are also given a Factory immediately upon transforming, that way players learn about the mechanic as early as possible.
- Don't feel bad if your first introduction to the Factory was someone else talking about it, that's on me
Held Deterrent Factories now passively spawn their bound parasite near nearby targets.
- This only happens when held, not when placed on the ground.
- A very faint sound will play when this happens (It's just the Scent Wave sound pitched up, don't worry)
- This can be disabled in the config.
Recipes, Fear Items, and other config-driven lists are now stored in data structures rather than just the string list.
- Not only is this a little better performance-wise, but it should also allow for other mods to add their own more easily, without any config hotswaps.
New Enchantments! These are Factory-exclusive and affect the parasites they spawn.
- New Variant Enchants: Virulent (treasure), Berzerking, Breaching, and the HA-exclusive Defiled cause certain parasites to take on the respecitve variant.
- Deviantive (treasure), which causes some parasites to take on their special alternate skins, many with different stats. The Primitive Reeker has a Pale variant, for instance, that deals more damage but has half health.
- This is mostly cosmetic for some parasites, like the Assimilated Villager, for which it only really changes what it looks like.
- Don't worry, there aren't any nests to worry about
- Augment Enchant: Throwing, which causes the Kyphosis to throw nearby parasites at targets.
- Fluidity, a leveled enchantment which reduces parasite creation time by 10% per level. It maxes out at level 5, or 50% reduction.
- More enchantments are planned. Feel free to make suggestions!
- Enchantments will be kept when you unbind a factory. Factories cannot be bound to parasites that the enchantments don't apply to.
- An enchanted factory cannot be turned back into biomass, only unbound.
Additionally, the new enchantments have both config settings and descriptions, should be useful if Enchantment Descriptions is installed.
Config Changes
Factory Behavior - Passively Spawn Deterrents
Factory Behavior - Evolution Point Trades - Now supports using # to specify metadata, JEI showed this but the actual functionality did not.
Factory Behavior - Producing Whitelist - Previously broken, was not appearing.
Removed - Missing Mixins Exception - This is no longer necessary, theoretically, since we don't depend on Mixinbooter anymore. It didn't do anything anyway.
Grep - Now has its own category in srpcotesia_mobs.cfg
Was supposed to be a hotfix until I had a nefarious idea
Also some rebalancing idk
You will need to regenerate your configs, this update changes quite a few things.
- This should hopefully fix a host of incompatibility issues, and maybe make a few new ones as well
- This switch now allows for working early mixins, which I didn't have before.
- The Optifine issue from earlier was the result of not having that. Now it works just fine... right?
You will likely need the 0.7-0.8 mixin compatibility mod if you're using a suitably large modpack, although you probably already installed it earlier in that case
- If you have mods like BetterPortals or VanillaFix, add it just in case.
Compatibility with Hermit's Arsenal v2.2, but that probably isn't available right now.
- The Gene Splicer will now properly work on parasite players, but only if a player uses it.
- Just in case you see a crash relating to it.
- I am open to other reccomendations for mod compatibility.
JEI Integration for Factory trades and the Osmosis. The Factory tutorial can also be viewed via JEI.
Factory trades now properly integrate the Tier of factory required, this was mentioned in the configs but wasn't actually implemented for non-point trades.
- As a result, I have retiered the item trades. Since the tier is required, you must redo this config entry.
- Blocks from the biome will now require tier 5 (Preeminent, or Phase 5 when a node can be created) to be made, but only 0 to turn into useable material.
- A notable exception is the Saplings, which only need bloom 0 to be cycled or made from other parasite items.
- You can now turn vanilla saplings into parasite saplings. They all turn into a single one, which you can then cycle to get the others.
Factories that are unbound are no longer artificially darkened. This is mostly so the GUI doesn't feel cluttered.
- That and it was redundant anyway - Bound factories show a spawn item for what they are bound to, or this mod's logo.
Fixed /dendritus command not being registered
Added a recipe for the Dendritus, craftable from Vacuous Cysts, Noxious Brains, and an Eye of Ender.
- I might add more uses for Vacuous Cysts in the future, stay tuned.
Fixed Adaptation Sounds not playing at all
Moving Flesh that merge will always be Factory-spawned if one of them is Factory-spawned.
- For reference, Factory-spawned parasites are unable to give points via merging or despawning.
Fixed the Dendritus having 1 extra stage range.
Maybe fixed a NullPointerException crash? Unsure if it'll ever come up.
WIP - Hiding parasites that were spawned by a factory will spread the tag to entities they infect.
- This means that you'll get points for them successfully infecting too!
- Additionally, Factory-spawned parasites will make mobs they successfully turn into factory-spawned parasites.
Factory-spawned parasites have a special particle effect when you are holding a factory.
Nerfed Factories for several parasites, their fuse times have been increased.
- Additionally, a safeguard is in place to prevent negative fuse times.
Halved Base Factory health, they now have 2.5 Max Health by default.
Phase Boosters no longer apply globally! Laziness is not tolerated.
- This can be changed in the configs, of course, if you want the original behavior back.
- To compensate, the boosters have received substantial buffs to their multipliers, and increases to their XP drain to boot.
- Keep in mind, boosters still increase biomass gain.
- The booster does, however, boost points from parasites you spawn.
- This isn't an idle game evan
Possibly fixed a bug where parasites would forget their managers instantly
- Honestly, I understand the mindset
Blocks which dispel phasing should indicate that in their tooltip now.
- If the inverse is enabled for some reason, the tooltip will reflect this.
- The list now has a few extra blocks added, mainly end related.
Holding items with the "Its moving" tag as a parasite player will cause it to eventually remove itself.
- This goes for the offhand as well.
- The tag will be removed every second. Should allow for it to still appear if you switch off quick enough.
- The tag is not removed for normal players.
The COTH Rework now defaults to the percentage check.
- Additionally, the COTH rework now requires only 50% of an entity's health to be gone.
- The numerical threshold has not been modified
The Random Point Loss system has been buffed, burning now has a higher chance of occuring, and will take more points when it does.
- If burning does occur, the message will be different.
The Bloody Clock now provides as much information as a Factory does about the current evolution phase.
- This information is only given if the recipient is a parasite.
Tweaked Phasing to try to force parasites being eye level with their targets.
- Should allow them to actually attack
Config Changes
Factory Behavior - Item Trades - Many changes, read above for specifics. The trades haven't really changed that much anyway.
COTH Rework Settings - Health Threshold Type - Changed to percentage by default.
COTH Rework Settings - Percentage Health Threshold - Changed to 0.5, or 50% of max health.
Effects - Phasing - Disruptors - Added End Stone Bricks, the End Portal Frame, Bedrock, Barriers, and all Purpur variants
Random Point Loss - Burning Chance - Increased to 40%, from 10%
Random Point Loss - Max Burns - Increased to 4, from 1
Phase Boosters - Boost Global Gain - Allows phase boosters to boost global point gain. False by default.
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage I Multiplier - Increased to 2, from 1.5
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage I XP Drain - Increased to 2, from 1
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage II Multiplier - Increased to 4, from 2
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage II XP Drain - Increased to 4, from 2
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage III Multiplier - Increased to 8, from 2.5
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage III XP Drain - Increased to 8, from 3
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage IV Multiplier - Increased to 16, from 3
Phase Boosters - Booster Stage IV XP Drain - Increased to 16, from 4
Client - Show Factory Spawned Parasites - Whether a Factory spawned parasite will emit particles when you are holding a Factory.
Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - Extra ticks for parasite creation time in a factory can now be added.
- The Gnat has had its fuse time increased by 100 ticks, or 5 seconds.
- The Primitive Vermin has had its fuse time increased by 200 ticks, or 10 seconds.
- The Assimilated Ender Dragon has had its fuse time increased by 2000 ticks, or 1 minute and 40 seconds.
- The Assimilated and Feral Endermen have had their fuse times increased by 100 and 200 ticks (5 and 10 seconds), respectively.
- The Light Carrier has had its fuse time increased by 100 ticks, or 5 seconds.
- The Flying Carrier has had its fuse time increased by 120 ticks, or 6 seconds.
- The Heavy Carrier has had its fuse time increased by 200 ticks, or 10 seconds.
- The Bogle and Haunter have had their fuse times increased by 4000 ticks, or 3 minutes and 20 seconds
- The Heed's biomass cost has been increased by 5, to 50. Their fuse time has also been increased by 400 ticks, or 20 seconds.
If you have any concerns regarding these balance changes, please feel free to let me know.
- Most if not all of them can be reverted using the config.
They're in the damn walls
This might as well be a pre-release given how experimental the Dendritus is, but eh.
Armageddon no longer occurs when disabled. It should also tick down globally independent of dimension, as intended.
- Sorry william
- It should also go down more when players sleep to skip the night, around 12000 ticks since that's how long night is. The time to skip can be configured.
The /atimer command now supports getting the current timer value using /atimer query
- This should work similarly to /time query, but the return value will loop back around to 0 if it exceeds the integer limit via modulo (the actual timer does not do this, just the query result)
- The timer should never naturally exceed 2 billion ticks anyway, since it goes down, but who knows
The Dendritus, a new block which can augment a Dispatcher if placed under it, or if given to it directly with space below. It will break bloks if it needs to to place it, given it can.
- Augmented Dispatchers will prevent parasites from breaking blocks if in range.
- Instead, they will receive the Phasing effect, which will allow them to move through solid blocks.
- This will fail if the parasite is on fire, and parasite players are not given the effect.
- Explosive Projectiles will also fail to break blocks in range of a Dendritus. I figured the effect was powerful enough to warrant that.
- This is intended to both keep parasite bases intact while also causing problems for everyone else.
- The block functions similarly to the Node and Colony, meaning its effects persist even if it isn't in loaded chunks.
Added Phasing.
The effect will be dispelled if a block that is too tough for the parasite to break, if their max breakable hardness was increased via the multipler, is present
There is also a config option to make specific blocks dispel Phasing, defaulting to End Stone.
Just between you and me, the Phasing effect doesn't actually give noclip. It just moves them and prevents suffocation. Don't tell them!
Hence why it does nothing for players. I may change this in the future.
New command, /dendritus, that prints out all active dendriti in the current dimension.
The Dendritus does not currently have a recipe, mainly due to its WIP nature. I don't want it to screw up existing worlds, I've done that enough already.
Changed how parasites give credit for kills to players, they will now store the uuid of the player that spawned them.
- This should substantially reduce the amount of getClosestPlayer calls. Now it's just doing UUID searches, at this point I'm unsure if its much better.
- If you're curious, the tag used is called "manager". We store it as a string to allow for null values.
- Premature Optimization? Never heard of it!
Malleability Menu should now correctly render labels for adaptations being inaccessible.
Burning now rapidly drains Biomass and prevents Factories from making parasites.
- This persists even if Fire Resistance is applied, provided it doesn't remove the fire.
- The default values will drain around 2 biomass per tick, or 40 per second.
After this update, I will probably shift focus towards the Threat/causing parasite players distress. Especially after this, I've been spoiling you all.
Config Changes
Armageddon - Ticks in a Full Day - The amount of ticks in a day.
Armageddon - Ticks in Nighttime - The amount of ticks in a day where it is nighttime.
Biomass - Fire Drain - The amount of biomass to drain every five ticks while on fire.
Blocks - Dendritus Range - The range, in blocks, of a Dendritus per Dispatcher stage.
Blocks - Dendritus Effects - Whether the Dendritus has any effect at all.
Blocks - Dendritus Distance - Minimum distance between Dendriti.
Effects - Phasing - Phasing Enabled - Whether the Phasing effect is enabled. Dendriti will still prevent block breaking, but the effect won't be applied.
Effects - Phasing - Base Maximum Hardness - The base maximum hardness of phaseable blocks, anything higher will dispel the effect.
Effects - Phasing - Break if Not - Whether parasites should be allowed to break blocks if phasing can't be applied.
Effects - Phasing - Scan Block Value - Amount of points gained per phased block.
Effects - Phasing - Block Hardness Multiplier - Multiplier to the parasite's max hardness, to use instead of the base value for determining whether a block can be phased through.
This is getting ridiculous.
Fixed Factory item interactions failing, and everything severing heads, apparently.
Fixed Brew Sacs disallowing use if you had less biomass than needed to refill them, even if they still had throws remaining.
Adaptation Gui now has special messages for when adaptations are disabled, either via config or Immalleable, and also mentions if a Corpse Bloom requirement has not been met.
Hotfix 3
Fixed Optifine causing custom hit colors to not render. Experimental, and it doesn't recolor for the death animation.
- This was done with RenderPlayerNuclear, a class that extends RenderPlayer and has its setBrightness method overridden.
- RenderPlayerMalleable would've been a better name, now that I think about it.
- I rendered another instance of the player, using this class instead, that is ever so slightly larger than the original (you might notice it ingame!).
- This new player doesn't render any render layers (the original RenderPlayer handles that), but does fire its own RenderPlayer events, so you can use those.
- This does technically mean the set of events, pre and post, are thrown twice (nuclear set first, then standard set). Hopefully this doesn't cause too many problems.
- This was done with RenderPlayerNuclear, a class that extends RenderPlayer and has its setBrightness method overridden.
Added a red tint to the screen whenever your head is severed.
- The tint slowly fades as you regenerate.
- The tint does not block items in your hotbar from being rendered. This is technically a bug, but is also somewhat useful.
Config Changes
- Client - Beheading Red Tint - Whether to tint the player's vision red when the secondary head is severed.
- Client - Beheading Red Tint Amount - The amount to tint the screen.
I never want to see an optifine crash ever again.
Hotfix 2
A parasite player's secondary head can be severed using a direct sword strike, at a 40% chance.
- This will delete all adaptations and prevent new adaptations from being created for 2 minutes.
- You will be unable to hide while your head is gone.
- It also applies Rage, Bleeding, and Slowness to the afflicted, mimicking SRP tendrils.
- This will delete all adaptations and prevent new adaptations from being created for 2 minutes.
The Latch will now turn mobs at a configurable chance, and the behavior can be disabled altogether.
Custom hit colors are disabled automatically for the Player model if Optifine is installed, prevents a crash due to the class being loaded before my mixins can work.
- Working on a fix, if anyone knows how to get around this let me know.
- The Parasite render layer will still show the correct color.
Config Changes
Latch - Turn on Kill - Whether the Latch turns mobs it kills.
Latch - Turn Chance - The chance the Latch will turn a mob it kills.
Bloom - Parasites Can Follow Players - Enabled by default now.
Bloom - Beheading Chance - The chance that the secondary head is cut off.
Bloom - Head Regeneration Time - Amount of time, in ticks, it takes to regenerate the secondary head.
Factory Behavior - Sword Alternatives - Other weapons that can be used as swords, for Beheading or getting drops from Factories.
The Adaptation Update Hope you brought 5 more weapons
Fixed a bug where you couldn't refill Brew Sacs. Thanks for making this apparent, no idea how I missed it.
Adaptations! You can now adapt to damage if your bloom level is greater than 1 (primitive or above), and the stats for adaptations scale with bloom. Adaptations are lost on death.
- Barring stats, they emulate standard parasite adaptations 1 to 1. Fire can prevent it, but you can adapt to fire, et cetera.
- You will also receive the Heightened Senses effect (from base SRP) when attacked, adaptible, and One Mind is enabled in SRP's config. It doesn't do anything quite yet, players don't have follow ranges.
- I'd argue we're getting into obscene levels of power with just this mechanic alone, but parity is parity.
- I am willing to nerf this DAY ONE if I hear ONE PEEP that its unbalanced, so make your voice known!
- Immalleable will prevent you from adapting to damage and drain existing adaptations.
- The Foster effect (from base SRP) also fosters adaptations as well, in the same way as it does for other parasites.
Along with that, the Phase Booster GUI has been modified to also show Adaptations.
- It has been renamed to the Malleability Menu as a result. The Phase Booster slot also looks somewhat like the tier 1 phase booster to clue people in on what to put there.
- This can also be used to forget damage types, in case you adapted to something you didn't want to. Hence why you have so few slots.
- Hovering over a damage type's forget button will show the damage reduction it provides. Full adaptations will be purple in color. Technically it should be pink, but purple stands out more against the light grey background.
- The GUI will only show your first 21 adaptations, since anymore wouldn't fit.
- Don't go over that, alright? I'd argue more than 20 adaptations is just ludicrous anyway (looking at you Preeminents)
I am currently brainstorming a way to sever your secondary head to delete all adaptations.
- Storing them all in an appendage is a tradition in this line of work, just like being disguisting.
- There are plans to give the Slicer (that scythe tendril that grew out of your head when you reached Assimilated Tier) a use in the future.
Gore on death is now based on Corpse Bloom
- If you are at Pure tier and die, you'll make Pure gore, ditto for the other tiers.
Added an extra tooltip to Brew Sacs to mention that holding RMB (or whatever your Use Item key is) will refill it if you have enough biomass.
A new mixin, this time for a vanilla class (RenderLivingBase) has been added, to make the hurt colors work.
- This uses an injector into HEAD to the setBrightness method, and only cancels if mob in question is a player that can adapt.
- If you get a crash regarding that method, it's probably my fault, then.
Config Changes:
Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - Decreased Primitive Tozoon cost from 40 to 35.
- The Gnat and Primitive Vermin are on thin ice, yall clearly cannot be trusted
Client - Adaptation Custom Hit Colors - Replaces standard hurt colors with adapting parasite colors, for parity.
Bloom - Player Adaptation - Whether adaptations are enabled or not.
Bloom - Bloom for Adaptation - Minimum bloom level needed for adapting to damage. Defaults to 2, or Primitive. for reference, here are the bloom tiers:
Inborn - 0 Assimilated - 1 Primitive/Stage I Nexus - 2 Adapted/Stage II Nexus - 3 Pure/Crude/Stage III Nexus - 4 Preeminent - 5 Whatever ends up replacing Ancients idk/Stage IV Nexus - 6 and so on...
- Bloom - Adaptation Stats - List of adaptation stats for each bloom level. Read the comment on the entry for more info, its a little complicated. "0;12;0.05;0.7;0.7;2", "1;12;0.05;0.7;0.7;2", "2;12;0.05;0.7;0.7;2", "3;10;0.1;0.8;0.5;3", "4;8;0.125;0.95;0.3;4", "5;5;0.2;0.9;0.3;5", "6;4;0.25;1.0;0.2;6", "7;4;0.25;1.0;0.1;7", "8;4;0.25;1.0;0.05;8"
What goes around...
You can now store Dispatchers and Beckons that are below Stage IV.
- They don't like it very much, and concerns will be voiced.
- People wanted beckons to be salvageable but the hive can't afford to waste resources like that.
- In order to account for possible loss of RS beckons, stored parasites will now be released when you die, possibly avenging you.
Blocks from this mod cannot be broken by parasites anymore. The light source exception does not apply here.
- This is actually for parity with SRP's biome blocks, which the parasites also cannot break.
The Osmosis's GeoBlockRenderer has had its rendering modified to remove lightmap setting code. This caused crashes for some users.
- If new crashes occur whenever rendering or placing the Osmosis, please let me know.
Modified reagent tooltips, they should now show if a reagent is a damage amplfier, effect source, intensifier, or a combination of the three.
Electrobob's Wizardry compatibility. Should now work with spell animations enabled, but it's still a little experimental.
A new threat has been added to the world for the parasites to contend with. HEAVY WIP.
- This can be disabled in the config, and in fact is by default. Not that I wouldn't want to see this surprise somebody.
- By "contend" I don't mean directly fight, as there are no entities yet to kill. This threat should ideally rely on existing features.
- You may notice a new addition to your otherwise peaceful sky (unless you aren't a parasite). That's it.
- Don't look directly at the bugs!
- You may notice that texturing is not my strong suit. Tragic.
- It will get closer and closer to fully manifesting as time goes on, giving you more problems to deal with.
- So far none of those problems have been added. There are a few planned, but if you have ideas, feel free to suggest them.
- Once things get bad enough, the visual effects will persist regardless of where you are looking
- Current Plans: (May not come to fruition)
- Burning in direct sunlight (70% presence) (it can see you)
- Enhancing mob AI and stats (unique stuff for things like Vindicators) (0% presence, scales and more often as presence increases)
- Certain structures will have important items (90% presence)
- [Exposure] (unknown)
- RPL and the COTH rework will intensify as presence increases.
- If it manages to infiltrate your world, the parasites will be wiped off the face of the map, you along with them, and the Evolution Phase for all dimensions will be set to -2, with an accompanying message and sound.
- The Phase 1 sound is used as a placeholder for now, I need to either learn sound design (scary) or find and capture a wild Sound Designer (illegal). What was the capture rate, again?
- Since this is so early in development, it may not make sense that it would be able to just delete a whole worldwide faction, especially one known for its strength and tenacity. This should make more sense once it's more finished.
- There currently isn't a way to actually get more time, hence disabled by default.
- Ey, if you want to play the demo version of minecraft again, go ahead
- This is something I've wanted to add for a while, to give Singleplayer more of a purpose. That's the mode I prefer, anyway.
- Don't expect this feature to be done for a while, I'm only one guy, with a standard for quality that is writhing in pain right now.
Because of the above, this mod also has save data now. Apologies if that becomes an issue.
Config Changes
New Category: Armageddon - The new threat has its own config category.
Client - Eldritch Fog - Toggles the visual effect when staring in its general direction.
Client - Max Fog - Scales the visual effect when staring in its general direction.
Client - Eldritch Desaturation - Whether the closer it gets, the less colors you see. Apparently not having eyes doesn't matter.
Client - Eldritch Silence - Toggles the stopping of sounds when staring in its general direction.
Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - added ender pearl drops to the Assimilated and Feral Endermen, but only when getting drops through a Factory.
- The chances should mimic vanilla pearl drop rates, at a 50% chance. The chance and quantity are higher for Feral Endermen.
- This is also a reminder that if your targets get assimilated too quickly, you can add the drops that you want to the configs like this. That way it's still obtainable. "srparasites:sim_enderman+srparasites:lurecomponent2;50;1;false", "srparasites:sim_enderman+minecraft:ender_pearl;50;1;false", "srparasites:fer_enderman+srparasites:lurecomponent2;25;1;false", "srparasites:fer_enderman+minecraft:ender_pearl;75;3;false"
Brews - Recipes - Damage Modifiers - Changed Essential Segment to Maw (lurecomponent6 to parasitemouth) since essential segments are sourced from easily farmable parasite saplings. The maw should appear in the biome.
Brews - Recipes - Brew Effect Potion Recipes - Halved the cost of Scrying. You'll need to remake the brew in order for this to apply (or just use nbt editing)
Let me know if any of the brew mechanics are too expensive.
Latch - Storage Blacklist - removed beckon_si-siii and dispatcher_si-siii
Finally, an actual update. Small one, though. Mostly revolves around Antibodies. That effect has been neglected over the dev cycle. Maybe Recuperation is next? Someone mentioned crashing when placing the Osmosis. If you see this bug, make an issue with the crash report.
Changed the name of the Creative Tab: "SRP: Cotesia Glomerata" -> "Cotesia Glomerata"
Fixed Osmosis taking on a custom name when it doesn't even have a GUI. Could likely cause a crash on servers, I18n and all.
Antibodies is now only applied via Nades from Yelloweyes or Wraiths. Other parasites can now receive the effect as well.
- Primitive Yelloweyes apply Antibodies I for 10 seconds (200 ticks).
- Adapted Yelloweyes apply Antibodies III for 20 seconds (400 ticks).
- Wraiths apply Antibodies X for 5 minutes (6000 ticks).
- All of this is configurable, with the config using ticks instead of seconds or minutes. Setting the duration to 0 disables that method of application.
- To clarify, there are 20 ticks in a second, and 1200 in a minute.
- The original application method felt out of place. This new one gives Yelloweyes more of a use (not that they didn't have one). Also, the Wraith gets it too, but it probably didn't need it.
Antibodies now gives immunity to Instant Damage and Levitation on top of its current roster. The configs have been changed to reflect this.
Config Changes
Two new Blocks options: "Extra Light Height" and "Extra Light Depth", which increase the block check radius upwards and downwards, respectively, to see if they are parasite light sources.
- People like putting their lights in the ground instead of on it, so having the extra depth be 1 by default accounts for this. You can disable it if you want, though.
- Please note that the check is from the mob spawning's position, not the light source's. So a torch 1 block above the ground will still fail to allow spawns. Parasites won't break it if you placed it wrong, though that doesn't mean they are happy about it.
- Along with this, the config options relating to light sources have had minor tweaks to their descriptions to account for this.
Client - Verbose Factory Description - Toggles that screen-filling tutorial on how Factories work. Client-side, so you can disable it while your friends can keep it on.
- Also, any shift key works now, not just LSHIFT. I'd add a custom keybind, but Keyboard.isKeyDown has proved untrustworthy in the past when working with Keybindings.
- Added a line to the tutorial mentioning this config entry.
Client - Show Numerical Bloom - Changed from false to true by default, since people may not have the icons memorized quite yet. This shows your current bloom level as a number on top of said icon.
Replaced the crash on startup for missing mixins with the standard Minecraft "missing mods" screen. Should be less confusing.
- That might be why people are crashing a lot on startup.
- The blockade can be disabled in the config.
Config entry for the Missing Mixins Exception has been modified to reflect this:
- "Whether to block starting the game (with a GUI) if this mod detects mixins not being loaded."
Why did this take so long? Displaying the Missing Mods GUI was cumbersome, none of the FML-prefixed events seemed to work. That and I didn't even know how an hour ago.
- Had to listen for the Main Menu being displayed instead, and only once. There goes an hour of my life...
New Blocks:
- 2 new light sources, the Gloom Torch and Dread Lamp - Emit light, but don't prevent parasite spawns. The torch has the same light level as a normal torch.
- Chitin - A very dense block akin to Obsidian. Same mining level, but has hardness 60 instead of 50.
- (Fun fact, the Dread Lamp is a holdover from when this mod used to be an MCreator mod, lazy texture and all, but that was a v e r y long time ago)
- (More content from that phase might make it in if I deem it worthy, another feature has me thinking...)
Also, to clarify, the Parasite Biome won't turn torches into gloom torches, same goes for any other utility blocks added by this mod.
New Item trades:
"minecraft:torch;srpcotesia:gloom_torch", "minecraft:obsidian;srparasites:parasiterubble#7", "srparasites:parasiterubble#7;minecraft:obsidian"
New Config Options:
Sneak To Dissolve - Whether you can dissolve parasites into biomass by sneak interacting with an empty hand, rather than needing a Factory.
- That's right, that was a bug! It's a feature now, provided your hand is empty. Hopefully.
Blocks, a config category, with all the stuff relating to the new light sources.
Other changes:
Living Pick-axe now harvests this mod's blocks faster, for parity with SRP's blocks. Also harvests Chitin even faster.
Brew Potion effects should now translate correctly.
This mod's light sources (determined using IInfectedLightSource, an interface, for any rabid modders out there) are not broken by parasites. The same goes for any directly adjacent light sources.
Fixed item tooltip-related methods not being client side only.
Note - Parasites congregating around their Factory is not exactly intended behavior. It is nice, though, so I'll keep it in.
The COTH Rework now fully prevents COTH from being applied. This should fix Buglins using black magic to circumvent it.
- For some reason I did this with a check every 10 ticks instead of an Application Event, I even had another listener for that event in the same file, yet didn't connect the dots. Tragic.
The mod's description on Curseforge has been modified to explain certain mechanics. If you're still confused, leave a comment and I will try to clarify.
Boo hoo:
Really sorry for the radio silence, I've been rabidly checking this mod's comments/issues to see if any bugs came up. That and college, but I had the page open in class so it's more of a copout. I can't fix bugs I don't know about (Apparently Pecora is just crashing nonstop, hoping my mod doesn't burst into flames on Linux).