What's Changed
- Post-login warmup timer for rewards by @Kali0033 in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/48
- Added a new wiki page for warmup system
- Some code changes
New Contributors
- @Kali0033 made their first contribution in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/48
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v2.0.1...v2.1
Report any problems you find/encounter
Fix issue that HEX colors not work in item lore
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v2.0...v2.0.1
I'm happy to now release: NDailyRewards 2.0!!
This update does not contain a lot of changes, but still something has changed:
What's Changed
- Build system changes: moved from Maven to Gradle build system
- Plugin API now is Paper, instead of Spigot
- Minimum server version now 1.16. Support for 1.13-1.15 was dropped
- BStats metrics class bumped to 3.0.2
- Optimised code and imports
- Added HEX color support
- Added option to configure GUI refresh delay (earlier, once a second, the GUI was updated and it was clear that it was blinking)
- Added wiki with available command, config options and etc.
- Citizens integration was deprecated (idk, I just want it)
- A lot of things have changed on github (like workflow files, license and more)
- You can see all dev commits on PR - [INDEV] Version 2.0 by @NONPLAYT in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/46
At first it may seem that the update is small, but I thought that this is enough for version 2.0. Thank you all for using NDailyRewards and wait for next updates 😉
If you found bugs - create issue on GitHub
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.7.1...v2.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin to v3.3.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/43
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.42.0.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/44
- Update to 1.20 by @NONPLAYT
- Update NBT-API plugin to 2.11.3 by @NONPLAYT
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.6.1...v1.7
What's Changed
- fix(deps): update dependency de.tr7zw:item-nbt-api to v2.11.2 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/37
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.41.0.1 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/38
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.41.2.1 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/39
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.41.2.2 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/41
- Release 1.6.1 by @NONPLAYT in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/42 (full changelog in PR)
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.6...v1.6.1
What's Changed
- From now on, plugin requires NBT-API installed
- Added placeholder api support
- Added backup command
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/dev/1.6.1
What's Changed
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.40.1.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/33
- chore(deps): update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.5.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/34
- fix(deps): update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.41.0.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/35
- chore(deps): update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin to v3.11.0 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/36
- Upstream NBT API to latest by @NONPLAYT
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.5.8...v1.6
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update actions/upload-artifact action to v3.1.2 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/32
- update config and some classes by @NONPLAYT (https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/commit/98e04189595754076951731233b2c706a466b5e6)
- made sqlite-jdbc provided
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.5.7...v1.5.8
What's Changed
- fix(deps): update dependency de.tr7zw:item-nbt-api to v2.11.0 by @renovate-bot & @NONPLAYT in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/30
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.5.6...v1.5.7
Added 1.19.3 support
What's Changed
- 1.19.3 support by @NONPLAYT in https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/pull/29
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BX-Team/NDailyRewards/compare/v1.5.5...v1.5.6