- Added 1.21.3 support
- Fixed 1.21.1 support on the last few builds
- Fixed kGenerators support
- If you shift click while adding fuel, the minion will be filled to the max
- Added configurable chance-kill-stacked-amount and stacked-amount to the slayer minion, only works with RoseStacker
- Fixed some damage issues
- Added a metrics system that provides us some basic information (can be disabled in the plugins/AxAPI/metrics.yml file)
- Added 1.21 support
- Added 1.18.2 support
- Made lots of fixes to the crafter minion
- Fixed issues with the linked container if the container changed to/from a double chest
- Added an island recalculate command to recalculate the minions on the island
- Fixed minions not being correctly removed when an island was disbanded when using SuperiorSkyBlock2
- You can now add extra island minion slots to a player by using the /minion extraslot <player> <amount> command
- Added 1.20.6 support
- Added MinionPrePlaceEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added MinionChestLinkEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added MinionPreBreakEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added PreFarmerMinionHarvestEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added MinionToolEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added PreFisherMinionFishEvent (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Added support for new crops (torchflower, pitcher crop) (Thanks, rudde0!)
- Fixed a NullPointerException when deleting island with SuperiorSkyblock2 when there were no other dimensions
- Added a setting to location formatting
- Added fuel items
- Added whitelist mode for the miner minion
- Fixed some exceptions on some Spigot versions
- Fixed an issue with SuperiorSkyblock2 compatibility
- Rewrote tool damage handling, now minions won't have unbreakable tools for no reason
- Added a crafter minion! (The config automatically generates when updating)
- Made unbreakable items unbreakable (Thanks, Xayanix!)
- Added a minions reset command, to remove the minions of a player (Thanks, Xayanix!)
- Possibly fixed lag coming from island disbands with the superiorksyblock2 hook
- Greatly improved default configs of minions
- Added PlaceholderAPI hook! Placeholders: %axminions_placed%, %axminions_limit%
- Fixed minion placing when in offhand
- Fixed lumber minions not replanting cherry and mangrove trees
- Fixed slayer minions sometimes damaging players!
- Added a configurable limit for how many blocks a single break of lumber minion can break
- Reduced jarsize a bit
- Fixed minions not working until the chunk is reloaded after being placed at chunk corners
- Added storage section to slayer, miner & fisher minions, you need to add them into the upgrades section of the minion the same way it's in the seller minion
- Added minion upgrade sound config option
- Added formatting to minion storage
- Added minion charge feature
- Fixed tools with no durability just disappearing from the minions, if they were allowed as tools
- Fixed minions being unplaceable after their placing failed
- Made minions stackable, if their level, type, charge, statistics are the same
- Fixed issue https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxMinions/issues/4
- Possibly fixed not being able to place minions sometimes
- Added Towny support for protection
- Fixed an issue where an infinite loop could occur
- Fixed integration for EconomyShopGUI-Premium (Thank you, MiguVT!)
- Fixed looting not working
- Blocked block placing on minions (Thank you, MiguVT!)
- Fixed a ClassCastException with the config
- Added a setting to prevent the minion from working when the owner is offline
- Made the minions stop working when their linked container is full
- Fixed a recursion issue with pull from chest enabled
- Added support for ItemsAdder custom blocks
- Added config option for the minions to pull tools from their linked container
- Added place permission for minions, you need to enable this in the config aswell
- Fixed an error that was showing in console on disable
- Changed the farmer minion to only count the actual block that was farmed
- Fixed upgrade requirements not being met not sending a message when the currency was missing
- Added bStats integration
- Fixed SuperiorSkyBlock2 admin bypass
- Fixed IridiumSkyBlock support
- Fixed IridiumSkyBlock admin bypass
- Fixed EconomyShopGUI hook
- Implemented PlayerPoints hook
- Made minor optimizations to miner minions
- Added KGenerators support
- Fixed an issue with SuperiorSkyBlock2 islands where minions would not place items into their connected container
- Updated to Kotlin 1.9.22