- Update to 1.21.4
- Yeeterite Elytra will not show correctly in the current state. This will be fixed in future.
Please report any issues to Github
- Update to 1.21.2
- Yeeterite Elytra will not show correctly in the current state. This will be fixed in future.
Please report any issues to Github
- Added Custom Hammer Mode
- Configurable & Toggleable Mode (up to 16x16x16)
Added compatibility for Diggus Maximus Reborn
- Added Ability to Vein Mine Bedrock
- Works with Void Protection
- Added Max Mined & Distance Overrides
- Overrides the Max Mined & Distance options
- This will require editing the Yeeterite Config to change these values instead of the Diggus Configuration
- Overrides the Max Mined & Distance options
Diggus Maximus Reborn is an optional add-on, not required
- Re-add Hammer Selection Outlines
- Thickness option currently disabled
- Fix #14 - Yeeterite Hammer only adding 1 stat to times mined
- Fix #14 - Yeeterite Hammer only adding 1 stat to times mined