🐛 Hotfix for too many entities with backpacks – the older version has been hidden from the site
✨ Tweaked 3rd person backpack position in hand
✨ Added backpack visibility toggle button (Open backpack when equipped, head to backpack settings, button will appear in right bottom corner of inventory)
✨ Added custom entity for backpack item to improve void protection and backpack invulnerability
✨ Performance improvement by optimizing backpack rendering
🔧 Tweaks to Universal Graves integration
🔧 Show ability description only if ability enabled
🔧 Improved Trinkets integration
🐛 Fixed Accessories integration dupe bug
✨ Added Curios API Continuation Integration back (Enabled by default) (NeoForge)
✨ Added quick backpack pick-up if clicked backpack with empty hand while sneaking
✨ Added Tough as Nails compatibility for water potion and water in backpack tank (drinkable with hose)
🔧 Disabled quick equip and quick unequip if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled (quick pick-up is allowed)
🔧 Disabled custom handling of backpack drop if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled to allow easy compatibility with graves
🔧 Improved backpack constructor for easier external use (Adding custom backpacks)
🐛 Fixed JEI integration
🐛 Fixed crafting grid accepting items even if not present
🐛 Fixed issue related to quick equiping a backpack
✨ Added Curios API Continuation Integration back (Enabled by default) (NeoForge)
✨ Added quick backpack pick-up if clicked backpack with empty hand while sneaking
✨ Added Tough as Nails compatibility for water potion and water in backpack tank (drinkable with hose)
🔧 Disabled quick equip and quick unequip if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled (quick pick-up is allowed)
🔧 Disabled custom handling of backpack drop if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled to allow easy compatibility with graves
🔧 Improved backpack constructor for easier external use (Adding custom backpacks)
🐛 Fixed JEI integration
🐛 Fixed crafting grid accepting items even if not present
✨ Added Trinkets Integration back (Enabled by default) (Fabric)
✨ Added quick backpack pick-up if clicked backpack with empty hand while sneaking
✨ Added Tough as Nails compatibility for water potion and water in backpack tank (drinkable with hose)
🔧 Disabled quick equip and quick unequip if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled (quick pick-up is allowed)
🔧 Disabled custom handling of backpack drop if Curios/Trinkets/Accessories Integration is enabled to allow easy compatibility with graves
🔧 Improved backpack constructor for easier external use (Adding custom backpacks)
🐛 Fixed overlay not respecting F1 and Spectator Mode
🐛 Fixed crafting grid accepting items even if not present
✨ Added backpack icon in player's inventory if equipped, can be hidden by pressing shift + right-click on it
✨ Added optional integration with Accessories
🔧 Accessories integration on by default
🔧 Minor config changes
🐛 Backpacks drop as items from entities only if player kills them
🐛 Fixed crafting grid bug
🐛 Fixed bug with disappearing contents of backpack
✨ Added backpack icon in player's inventory if equipped, can be hidden by pressing shift + right-click on it
✨ Added "weight" to loot to modify loot spawn chance
🐛 Backpacks drop as items from entities only if player kills them
🐛 Fixed bug with disappearing contents of backpack
🐛 Fixed backpack crafting grid crash
✨ Added backpack icon in player's inventory if equipped, can be hidden by pressing shift + right-click on it
✨ Added optional integration with Accessories
✨ Added "weight" to loot to modify loot spawn chance
✨ Added in-game config screen
🔧 Updated to stable NeoForge version
🐛 Backpacks drop as items from entities only if player kills them
🐛 Fixed bug with disappearing contents of backpack
🐛 Fixed loot spawn issue
🐛 Fixed backpack crafting grid crash
✨ Added Comforts compat in backpack recipe
✨ Added keybind for enabling/disabling ability (Default not bound)
✨ Added keybind for sorting backpack (Default not bound)
✨ Added client config option to disable message with backpack coordinates on player death
✨ Improved Backpack Backups to be more user friendly
✨ Added config option to allow opening only equipped backpack (default false)
✨ Improved backpack post-death placement logic
🔧 Ability is on by default in new backpacks
🔧 Arrow in crafting widget acts like preference instead of strict limit
🔧 Improved hud overlay rendering code
🐛 Fixed player getting stuck in the wall with spider backpack and elytra
🐛 Fixed hose not getting reserved properly in memory slot
🐛 Fixed bug with swapping selected item in backpack inventory
🐛 Fixed swapping tools bug
🐛 Fixed backpack coordinates message not working properly on server