- Port to 1.21.4 - MelanX
- Fix mod not loading - MelanX
- Port to 1.21.3/4 - MelanX
- 1.21 - MelanX
- prevent grass from turning into stone using krypto scholar - MelanX
- fix ultima god - MelanX
- fix cursed knight and soothsayer not working - MelanX
- improve translation - MelanX
- re-add jei compat - MelanX
- add links to commits in changelog - MelanX
- 1.20.1 - MelanX
- 1.19.4 - MelanX
- update badges - MelanX
- 1.19.3 - MelanX
- fix crashes - MelanX
- port to 1.19 - MelanX
- re-add jei descriptions - MelanX
- Update to 1.18.2 - MelanX
- port to 1.18 but without jei descriptions - MelanX
- port to 1.18 but without jei descriptions - MelanX
- add maven path - MelanX
- add auto upload things - MelanX
- update stuff - MelanX
- Nerdge - noeppi_noeppi
- 1.17 - noeppi_noeppi
- update - MelanX
- revert tag usage because it doesn't work - MelanX
- fix cooldown in creative - MelanX
- make use of tags - MelanX
- use internal cooldown function - MelanX
- added config for cooldown - MelanX
- forgot popping - MelanX
- fixed 1.16.1 compat - MelanX
- added jei compat - MelanX
- disable enchantability - MelanX
- reload lists when config is changed - MelanX
- ores/animals now configurable - MelanX
- vanilla ores -> all ores - MelanX
- Make 1.16.2 (#4) - noeppi_noeppi
- Create LICENSE - MelanX
- added a few things but not final - MelanX
- added ore better - MelanX
- fixed item consuming when bonemealing - MelanX
- update 0.2.0 - MelanX
- Merge pull request #1 from MelanX/imgbot - MelanX
- [ImgBot] Optimize images - ImgBotApp
- Initial commit - MelanX
- ultima fighter generates a random ore from forge:ores
- ores for ore cycle now configurable
- animals for random animal now configurable
- increased default cooldowns
- cooldowns now configurable
- cooldowns are now like the enderpearl cooldown
- removed enchantability from crystals
- added jei descriptions