Added a Guidebook: Crafted by 8x Feather and 1 Book. It includes a Craftinggrid by leftclick and the Guide by rightclick.
Changed World Spawning of Chickens a little bit.
Changed Animations and Models of Trainer, Soul Breeder, Soul Extractor, Chicken Stick and Chickens.
Inside the Roost Chickens now get also XP but reduced to 10% by default settings.( Can be changed inside the common config file config\roost_ultimate\common.toml )
Geckolib is required for this Version! Added also Support for Jade!
Changed output and growspeed for Seeds inside Botanypots.
#2.2.0 First NeoForge release 1.20.2 Added Animations via AzureLib(Required Mod) Added new Block Models and Item Models.
Added a GuideBook: Craftng Pattern is X = Feather O = Book [XXX} [XOX]
[XXX] Also Shapeless supported.
Chicken get also XP inside the Roost but reduced to 10% of base amount.(Added a Configentry inside the Common Config in /config/roostultimate/common.toml
And maybe some more but i forgot it xD
WARNING MAJOR UPDATE! All Item, Block and Entity IDs changed complete. This Major Update will wipe all Roost Ultimate Items of older Versions!
Patchnotes: Fixes: Fixed the Multiplayer Issue!
Content changes: Changed the Seed/Plants to work correctly with Bonemeal, Other Mods and Machines like normal Vanilla Plants. Added support for Botanypots and Phytogenic Insolator. Changed the whole Recipesystem for easier Recipeintegration by Modpack Creators and other Mods. Changed the Displaysystem of Chickens inside the Roost and Breeder to increase Performance.
Changed the Tiered Seed System, means now u are able to use also higher Tier Seeds to feed Chickens inside the Roost or Breeder. As example, if u got to Tier 9 Seeds u are able to use Tier 9 Seeds for all Chickens, no need to store all lower Seeds.
a short fix for the roost recipe issue
Complete new Seed Plant System that works with other Mods like Create, Botanypots, Immersive and Thermal or other.
No need to get the exact same Tiered Seed for the Tiered Chicken anymore( Means if u got only Tier 2 Seeds and want to feed a Tier 1 Chicken with it, its now possible to use higher Seeds on lower Chickens inside Roost/Breeder!)
Also changed this for Soul Breeding!
The whole Recipesystem got changed so all Chickens works in a normal Roost now, no tiered versions of the Roost exist anymore.
Changed Display way of Chickens inside Roost and Breeder for more Performance too.
Beta Release for Fabric. Atm only supported Vanilla Items from Chickens Please report any bug/problem u find via Discord or Github
Stone, Cobble, Sand, Bone, Netherrack, Log Chickens spawn in the World. Breeder, Trainer and Roost working. Seeds and Plants for better Food also working.
Update 0.4.0 Changelog: Added: Soul Extractor - Extract the Soul of a Chicken as Item like any Tier 1 Chicken produce a Tier 1 Soul and the Chicken gets consumed! Soul Breeder - Allows u to copy a Chicken : Example - Tier 1 Soul + any Tier 1 Chicken creates a Copy of it with Level and XP! New Tiered Seeds and Crops that adds a Farming point to Roost Ultimate. Now u need the Tier 1 - Tier 9 Seeds to feed the right Tier of Chickens in Breeder or Roost. The new Tiered Seeds also works as better Food in the Trainer. The Config file changed too from example: Chickenroost_v0.3.5.json to roostultimate_common.toml Added new JEI Support to see all new and old Recipes. JEI Support for Breeder, Soul Breeder, Soul Extraction, Roost Outputs. Added missing Recipes for Nether Star, Netherite, Unobtainium and Allthemodium Chicken!
Fixed missing Breeder Recipes. Added a Namecheck to the Chickenscanner. Added spawns of Endstone, Chorus Fruit, Netherrack, Soul Sand, Basalt, Warped Stem, Crimson Stem, Apple, Beetroot, Melon, Snow, Sand, Stone and much more Chickens to the world. Endstone, Chorus Fruit Chickens spawn only in End City Parts or near Torches and other Lightsources that increase the Lightlevel in the Area in the End. Removed crafting recipes for Endstone, Chorus, Cobble Chickens because of fixed spawning in the normal world!