- Fixed placement modes like replace, stencil and colorize having weird position calculations for chisel
- Fixed grid isAtEdge check not working with negative numbers (causing incorrect results when looking at sloped faces)
- Fixed edge detection epsilon being way too generous causing incorrect results
- Fixed issue with shape selection being different when placed/removed to what could be seen on screen
- Fixed premade structure vanishing when changing grid size
- Fixed still being able to sit on chair even after it has been removed
- Added missing structure type translations
- Fixed not displaying structure name
- Fixed crash when doing signal ticks due to error when storing unused tickets
- Fixed not rerendering animations when changing resourcepack/ shaderpack
- Fixed error when loading doors with customized transitions
- Fixed transformable boxes not combining because the moved corner iteration did not consider the lack of a moved corner due to the position of the other box
- Fixed weird paint brush undo behavior causing endless amounts of actions to be performed
- Fixed an issue with face culling if the face is at the edge of another block with a different grid size
- Fixed little collection could contain empty tiles, which caused issues when removing a block
- Exclude frameblocks as being valid blocks to build with
- Fixed doors not reacting properly to mirror and rotation
- -Fixed LittleStateStructure making incorrect use of structure directional
- -Added structure directional support for AnimationTransition, AnimationState and AnimationStateDirected
- -Made structure directional support generic type parameters of classes
- -Fixed structure directional ignoring private, protected and fields from super classes