What's new
- Added configuration "Wait Ticks Before Next Craft Click" that can be used to make auto-crafting more stable on slow servers.
- Now auto/continuous crafting ignores items durability. As in auto-crafting of dispensers with farmed bows is now possible. https://www.youtube.com/embed/BOVKOCVPIGY?wmode=transparent
- Move/Throw is now configured to ignore durability. There is a new setting "Ignore item durability for Throw/Move" that can be used to revert to the old behaviour. https://www.youtube.com/embed/NFpmpHZA0kw?wmode=transparent
- Move can now move only the items of the type under the cursor despite the type being present in the target chest/inventory. https://www.youtube.com/embed/GPsqasYC9Bg?wmode=transparent
What's new
- Added in game Overlay Editor. If IPN buttons overlap with another mod UI you can now move them. Also allows you to influence how IPN detects the UI, for example as a chest to just as player inventory.
- Fixed Profiles switching with hotkeys.
- Fixed Auto Refill clashing with Profiles switching.
- Added new setting to allow Auto Refill to use items from locked slots.
End of Life Announcement
This is the last version that supports Minecraft 1.15.x both Fabric and Forge