- fix tools only accepting digger enchantments
- fix stone, netherrack, hay being craftable to 9 dust in a crafting table
- fix machines sometimes crashing when auto-output is toggled rapidly, resulting in it being enabled but no output side being set
- fix SoundEntryProvider always placing the JSON in /assets/gtceu/sounds.json
- add material tooltips for non-GT items
- add KJS binding for ChemicalHelper
- fix fluid pipe throughput being too low
- fix super tank & quantum tank amount being displayed incorrectly on fabric
- fix wires not being colored
- fix large boiler not resuming work after being unloaded
- fix large distillery and some GCyM machines not forming
- fix some missing / unnecessary mixer recipes, glass vial material amount, melon maceration
- fix server crashes on multiblock recipe map modification
- fix distinct bus mode not working with circuits config
- fix placement issues when using the terminal to build a multiblock
- fix cherry and bamboo recipes not being affected by the harderWoodRecipes config
- fix spray cans being unable to color vanilla blocks
- add KubeJS bindings for GTFluidStorageKeys, GTFluidState, PropertyKey