- Improved beacon render code, texture should no longer bug out
- Replaced inconsistent injection logic in the AO tweak, should fix some obscure crashes
This version adds better compatibility for mods such as Neodymium, which deeply integrate into the renderer, and assume that all quads are 4 vertices, and not 2 triangles.
If you see any messed up "vertex vomit", open the triangulator config in the main menu mod list, and turn off "Enable quad triangulation".
The fallback renderer requires manual calibration, which can be done when you join the world. Once you calibrated, it won't prompt you to recalibrate until you either upgrade video drivers, swap your gpu, or copy the config over to a different computer.
- Added a video memory leak fix for AMD graphics cards
- Added a config GUI to the main menu (click Mods -> select Triangulator -> click Config)
notice: The video memory leak fix is currently incompatible with optifine and fastcraft. with optifine, the game becomes a stutterfest. with fastcraft, setting the render distance above 16 crashes the game.
- Fixed a rendering issue when trying to draw too many vertices, causing the game to turn into triangle soup (fixed #12 )
- Added additional ambient occlusion improvements, special thanks to @embeddedt for letting me grab the prebuilt mixins and incoporate them into this mod (fixed #9 )