0.80 Update
- Added 9 new color options
- Added Letters and Numbers as decals
- Added Penetration Measure Blocks (only obtainable by commands)
- Added a new ore, Aluminum
- Added a new alloy, Alpha Titanium
- Added Thermite and Thermitebag
- Added Slag and it's variations
- Added new crafting materials, Thermal and Electrical Conductive Plates and Boiler and Capacitor Mechanisms
- Added Coke Coal and Creosote Oil
- Added Ashes and Ashesbag
- Added dusts as crafting materials
- Made metallic armor blocks produce sparks when hit by CBC shells
- Added tags to group armor types for datapacks or texturepacks
- Changed Titanium Armor Blocks craft to use Alpha Titanium instead of Titanium
- Changed Steel ingot craft to make it slighly harder
- Changed Titanium related items texture
- Changed texture for Steel Explosive Reactive Armor
- Changed Texture for Titanium Composite Armor
- Removed gravity from Fortified Armor Blocks
- Changed Barbed Wire texture
- Changed texture for the Smoke Mortar (WIP block, only obtainable by commands)
- Changed craft for Electromagnetic and Pressurized Reactive Armor Block to make it harder
- Changed how Electromagnetic and Pressurized Reactive Armor Block work by lowering the Resistance Values and buffing other aspects
- Changed how Composite Reactive Armor Blocks work by making them have more Resitance, lowering the chance to destroy the shell on impact, and have a chance not to break when activating
- Added CBC explosion particles to Explosive Reactive Armor when activating
- Added CBC explosion particles to Gunpowderbag and Trinitrotoluenebag
- Made it possible to crush Raw Titanium to get extra
- Fixed IDs for some blocks
- Fixed Steel Block not being able to be turn back to Ingots
- Fixed some crafts using the wrong materials
- Fixed some textures
- Added Fire Supression System Block - Can be filled with 5000mb of water and will extinguish fires in a radius around the block by being activated by redstone and using the water
- Added Tank Hatch - Similar to trapdoors they can be opened and closed as a simple hatch, they have a high value of resistance for extra
- Added Barbed Wire - They slow you down when you try to walk on them while damaging you and preventing jumping, they are meant for protect bases or on top of tanks
- Changed the textures for Titanium & Steel Composite Armor
- Changed the Textures for Fortified Steel Armor
- Changed the sound of placing blocks from the Anvil sound to the Netherite one
- Changed the craft for Composite Armor, now using different types of plates to craft
- Fix a bug in Pressurized Armor where they worked even without fluids inside
- Minor bug fixes
Plastanium Madness
Added a new material called Plastanium, he's used for specific types of armor blocks wich don't have Steel or Titanium variations
New Armor Blocks
- Bulletproof Glass - Its a new type of glass with more transparent area and less resistance
- Chain Armor Block - It's a partially see through block with high blast resistance and low hardness
- External Fuel Tank - It's a large and resistant fluid tank, can't connect with others like create fluid tanks, but has huge resistance and holds up to 16000mb of fluid instead of 8000mb
Other Additions
- Made Steel able to be crafted using charcoal instad of only coal
- Added coal fluid for plastanium crafting, it's expensive and can be placed as a liquid, slows down the entity if inside the fluid
- Added Plastanium, a Titanium Alloy made using Coal Fluid or Crude Oil from Create: Diesel Generators, it's used to make the new armor blocks
Titanium Madness Update
- Added Titanium Armor
- Added Titanium Reinforced Armor
- Added Titanium Fortified Armor
- Added Titanium Explosive Reactive Armor
- Added Titanium Composite Reactive Armor
- Added Titanium Electromagnetic Reactive Armor
- Added Titanium Cage Armor
- Added Titanium Cage Reinforced Armor
- Added Titanium Blast Glass
- Added Titanium Blast Reinforced Glass
New Ore
- Added Titanium Ingot
- Added Titanium Ore
- Added Titanium Deepslate Ore
- Added Raw Titanium
- Added Raw Titanium Block
- Added Titanium Block
- Added Titanium Casing
- Added Titanium Sheet
Create Tank Defenses
- Added Steel
- Added Steel Sheet
Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Casing
- Added Steel Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Reinforced Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Fortified Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Blast Glass Blocks
- Added Steel Blast Reinforced Glass Blocks
- Added Steel Explosive Reactive Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Composite Reactive Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Cage Armor Blocks
- Added Steel Cage Reinforced Armor Blocks
- Added Slab and Stairs Armor Blocks