Fixed how Collective applies a tag to entities which originate from spawners used by dependent mods.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added HashMapFunctions, which adds a custom computeIfAbsent function to add compatibility with threaded dimensions.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Changed how values in HashMaps are put. Instead of using an event, it uses the computeIfAbsent Java function.
This fixes incompatibilities with other mods creating dimensions/levels without using the event.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixed the CollectivePlayerEvents.ON_PLAYER_DIG_SPEED_CALC callback not being applied correctly.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added support for special characters in the toml -> json5 config conversion. This is only used for dependent Serilum mods.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added a new TaskFunction to Collective which can correctly delay tasks, used in dependent mods.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at: